Lesson Sixty-Six : Ubi est Mēdus? / by Anthony Gibbins

Salvēte, sodālēs.

In today’s lesson, we return to Medus and discover where he going with the money he stole from Julius.

from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 44.

Grammatically, today and tomorrow’s readings are all about describing movement to and from Tūsculum and Rōma, as well as being in those places. Latin does a few strange things when you refer to a town or city by its name ONLY. As you read, try to determine the Latin for the following :

in/at Tusculum :

in/at Rome :

from Tusculum :

to Rome :

Now READ Capitulum Sextum, lines 46-51.

  • in/at Tusculum : Tūscilī

    in/at Rome : Rõmae

    from Tusculum : Tūsculō (ablātīvus)

    to Rome : Rōmam (accūsātīvus)

The margin provides a diagram that summarises all of this information nicely.

from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 43.

Satis est. Come back soon for the return of Cornelius, amīcus Iuliī.