Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.
 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.
 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.
 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.
 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

 Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.

Nom : The primary role of the Nominative Case is to indicate that a word is the Subject of a sentence or clause.