The Wonderful World of ut / by Anthony Gibbins

Today, an exploration into the wonderful world of ut. While this post will not be all inclusive, it will show you the most common uses of this fascinating little word. ut, for example, can mean how at the beginning of a question, such as ut vales? how are you doing? Used with an Indicative Verb, as it is on today’s page, it can mean as. Femina Mirabilis est fortissima, ut dicunt Wonder Woman is very strong, as they say. ut as can be pared with sic such. haec res sic est ut narrant This matter is such as they say. ut might also be understood as meaning when. ut ad vicum advenit, vicani laete clamaverunt. When she arrived at the village, the villagers cheered happily.

Then ut has several uses with Subjunctive Verbs. It appears at the beginning of a Purpose Clause. nam ad vicum advenerat ut vicanos liberaret for she had come to the village to free the villagers. If the Purpose is to avoid an outcome, often called a Negative Purpose, ne will be used instead. advenerat ne vicini fame morerentur she came lest the villagers die of famine. ut is also used to begin an Indirect Command. primum militibus imperavit ut arma deponerent first she ordered the soldiers to put down their arms. And ut is used to begin a Result Clause. deinde Femina Mirabilis tam fortiter pugnavit ut omnes milites facile superaverit then Wonder Woman fought so bravely that she easily overcame all the soldiers.

So, in summary: Femina Mirabilis et fortissima, ut dicunt. haec res sic est, ut narrant. ut ad vicum advenit, vicani laete clamaverunt. nam ad vicum advenerat ut vicanos liberaret. advenerat ne vicini fame morerentur. primum militibus imperavit ut arma deponeret. deinde Femina Mirabilis tam fortiter pugnavit ut omnes milites facile superaverit.


Then, with everyone watching, Jessica pulled a map out of the suitcase. Hadrian, as he said, hid the map in the suitcase.