Lesson Twenty Four : Quot? / by Anthony Gibbins

Salvēte, sodālēs.

Read the following question and the response to determine the meaning of the question word quot.

Quot līberī sunt in familiā Aemiliae et Iuliī? In familiā Aemiliae Iuliīque sunt trēs līberī, duo filiī et ūna fīlia.

from Lingua Latīna Per Sē illustrāta page 13

  • Quot means ‘how many’.

And that’s all you need to know to read Capitulum Secundum, lines 37-41. If you need to jog your memory on the meanings of multī and paucī, reread Lesson Eleven.

Oh, and centum means one hundred (C). Readers often gasp at the idea of centum servī.

Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta : Capitulum Secundum : lines 37-41. To be fair to the publisher, after Capitulum Secundum extracts will not be given - you will need a copy of the textbook of your own.

Satis est. Until next time.