Lesson Seven : Estne Gallia in Eurōpa? Ubi est Italia? / by Anthony Gibbins

Salvēte, sodālēs.

Read the reminder of the first page of Capitulum Primum (First Chapter) (lines 11-18). Looking at the punctuation, you will see that we have a mixture of questions and statements. Read it through a couple of times, paying special attention to two new features - estne and ubi. Can you determine what they mean?

Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata : Capitulum Primum : lines 11-18 To be fair to the publisher, after Capitulum Secundum extracts will not be given - you will need a copy of the textbook of your own.

  • Estne is the word est with -ne added to the end. The addition of -ne to the first word of a sentence indicates that the sentence is a yes-or-no question. You may notice that the verb - est - has been moved to the question’s start. That is quite common for questions.

    ubi means where.

Congratulations. You have read an entire page of Latin. I encourage you to read the page several times. Try NOT to think about English words as you are reading.

Satis est. See you again soon.